How It Works

How much does it cost to join ITEX? – There is currently a no cash fee to join our office..* There is a 6% cash fee on transactions, ix percent when you sell and six percent when you buy. Association fees are $20 cash and $10 trade per four-week accounting cycle. We have a referral program that helps grow our member base of trading partners and waives $60 cash fees (3 times the $20 fee) for each referral.

How will I benefit from being an ITEX member? – The two primary reasons for joining ITEX are that first, we will send you new clients. All of our clients are business owners and most of them local to your area. As business owners, it’s beneficial for them to purchase from you, another ITEX member. Second, by joining ITEX you can save cash and still make the purchases you want every time you use ITEX instead of your credit card or bank check. In addition, your cash flow will improve by using less of it. Use your earned ITEX dollars to pay for items typically paid for with cash, thus enhancing your bottom line. As an ITEX member, you are able to trade with a large network of other business owners-locally, regionally, and nationwide.

Why do companies trade & why use Trade Dollars instead of cash? – Almost every business faces the challenge of functioning with a restricted cash flow and perishable items: newspapers and radio without ads, vacant seats and empty rooms. Trade involves the creation of a market in which available products and services can be offered at full value to thousands of potential business buyers with little or no cash. These sales use a non-cash currency, which participating companies can use to buy anything listed within the exchange. In this way our company delivers two benefits to businesses: sales at full value and the ability to acquire valuable products and services while conserving cash.

What type of companies trade? – Corporations, countries, retailers, wholesalers, and individuals all are involved in this cashless exchange of goods and services. Thirty-five percent of all world trade is accomplished by barter. Britain traded aircraft for Arabian Oil, and Honduras exchanged bananas for Soviet fertilizer. IBM and Xerox trade computers or copiers for airline tickets, car rentals, and printing services. The worldwide barter industry, by some estimates, exchanged as much as $65 billion worth of goods and services. ITEX has brought it all together to make transactions simple.

Why does ITEX help me conserve cash? – Here’s an example. You go to one of our dentists, and he tells you he needs $500.00 for dental work. If you pay him with your credit card or check, your bank account is going to drop by $500.00. However, you own a company that sells a product for $100.00 that costs $60.00. Using ITEX, you are able to pay the dentist with 500 of ITEX using your product that only costs you 300.00, thereby saving you $200.00.

If I purchase wholesale, why would I want to buy products and services through ITEX? – Several ITEX members have established business relationships. We don’t require that you change your relationships. We help you expand your customer and supplier network. Because few businesses can get everything they need wholesale (such as advertising, airline tickets, restaurant meals, or contracting services), ITEX is a convenient venue to conserve cash. Also, a purchase with ITEX dollars is often cheaper than wholesale.

Will ITEX help me find new business? – Yes! We already have thousands of businesses in the ITEX network. Your listed products and services will be exposed as needed to our local and/or national members. We are unique in that we are commission based. Since we only earn a commission when we produce for you, be assured that getting members more business and helping them find what they are in need of is our highest priority. Once you establish your account, one of our trade brokers will help you develop a plan for getting the most out of the network.

Do I need to pay taxes on my ITEX sales? – Yes. Sales made through ITEX are subject to the same tax treatment as cash sales. We recommend you contact a qualified tax consultant for further advice.

Who do I contact if I need Customer Service? – Liz Bowler, Franchise Owner of ITEX in the Florida Treasure Coast. I can help you profit from your ITEX experience. I can be reached by email at or by phone at (772) 532-1881.